Scottish Lakes High Camp 2017

This hidden away gem in Washington State has been on my to-do list for several years, and now it's on my annual to-do list! The Scottish Lakes High Camp is on the Alpine Lakes Wilderness boundary and the quickest access into the Scottish Lakes within the Chiwuakum Mountain range area. The winter trails range from flat …

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Pro Guiding 3 Day Ski Tour Course

This course really helped fill in some of the gaps from my AIRE 1 course. Adding an emphasis on technique and learning how to become more efficient with my uphill travel along with picking better routes. Our instructor Solveig was extremely helpful answering questions about ascent routes, avalanche observations, and in general was an awesome guide to be leading our …

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Crystal Mountain Resort Skiing

I couldn't find anyone to commit to go skinning, along with Lyss's pressure canning meats workshop got canceled, so a change of plans and off to the hills we went! Figured a day of lift skiing to get her more time on her skis would be beneficial for her, and more time back on my board would be good …

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